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To: TIM Administrators

From: Dennis Press, University Controller

Date: June 12, 2008

This memorandum provides information regarding the leave data required for the University’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Your assistance is requested again this year in providing information on leave data for each permanent employee (EPA and SPA, full and part-time) as of June 30, 2008.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, the University’s Time Information Management (TIM) system will be used to obtain the leave information. Since TIM will be used for leave reporting, the leave liability update screen previously accessed through the Payroll System will no longer be used to report this information.

Use of TIM will provide an improved method for compiling the required leave information. It is imperative that TIM is updated with the leave data for each employee so that leave hours as of June 30, 2008 are reported accurately and timely. If assistance is needed regarding the use of TIM for leave management, please refer to the TIM website at for training and other iinformation or email for assistance with the system.

Please note the following key deadlines:

Deadline Description
July 8, 5:00 p.m. SPA employees in departments using TIM for time and leave should complete data for biweekly 01.
July 11, 5:00 p.m. SPA Employees in departments using TIM for leave only should complete data for biweekly 01.
July 15, 5:00 p.m. EPA Employees – all departments should complete data through June 30. Note that the EPA deadline has changed to allow for leave transfer and processing. Please inform EPA faaculty and staff to ensure that June leave is reported timely.
July 15, 5:00 p.m. Final deadline for all entry. Balances should be reconciled, and all final adjustments made.

Your assistance in using TIM for reporting leave information accurately, maintaining supporting documentation for the leave information reported, and performing timely reconciliations of employee leave balances is appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this important matter.

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