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To:        Human Resources Facilitators
Business Managers

From:    Dennis Press, University Controller

This is a reminder that web access to direct deposit notifications will be the only method for employees on direct deposit to view details of earnings, deductions, and other pay data beginning next month. The web access provides a secured capability to view or print direct deposit notifications for the current pay period and for each payroll period during the previous 12 months.

Employees can access pay information here by selecting E-Pay/Direct Deposit Pay Stub and using their Onyen and Onyen password. As a reminder, paper copies of direct deposit notifications will be discontinued effective with the first payroll in April 2008. Web access for E-Pay also provides an Administrative Menu so that a departmental administrator can print a copy of a direct deposit notification if needed. Employees may also print a copy of their direct deposit notification if needed.  Thank you.

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