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Dear University Business Managers,

The following memo was sent on July 7 to GradStar Users.  Beverly Wyrick would like you to have a copy FYI.

To: GradStar Users
Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Subject: Upcoming Changes in GradStar

You’re receiving this email because you have access to enter student award payments in GradStar.


Earlier this spring, when we told you about changes that were coming to student award payments, we promised more details about the changes in GradStar as they were available. This email contains details about the changes along with an invitation to a webinar later in July where you can learn more and ask questions.

Changes You’ll See in GradStar

On August 2, you’ll see the following changes in GradStar:

  • In the Header, the Remission Funding section is being renamed to Instate and Remission Funding, and you’ll see a new Instate Budget link next to the Remission Budget link. This link will work similarly to the Remission Budget link, which means when an Instate tuition award is applied to a state-funded student, the department’s instate budget will be reduced.
  • The Campus Based Tuition link will no longer be on the page.
  • In the Award Type lookup, new award types are available for you to select.
  • The Include column that was previously added next to the Award Description column will now be active.  When you check this box, the award is included in the calculation used to prorate tuition and fees.  Note: the Include column will be automatically selected for some stipends, and you won’t be able to un-check the box.

Get an Advance Look at the Changes

The Changes to Student Payments for GradStar Users Webinar will be held on Thursday, July 22 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

In this session, we will:

  • Give a high-level overview of the changes to student payments.
  • Show the new functionality that will be live on August 2.
  • Let you know where you can find help.

We will leave time at the end for your questions.

If you’re not able to make it to the session, we will record it. You’ll be able to find the recording on the Graduate School’s website a few days after the session.

We look forward to seeing you soon,

Beverly Wyrick
Director of Finance and Administration,
The Graduate School

Aesha Greene
Senior Assistant Director,
Graduate Programs,
Office of Scholarships and Student Aid

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