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To: University Business Managers, Campus Financial Unit Leads
From:  Rod Smith, Internal Controls

It has come to our attention that a few cases of fraud attempts have been reported using fraudulent UNC Purchase Orders and forged signatures from employees of record at the university. IT Security and police have been notified about the attempts, but please be on the lookout for any purchase order where the shipping is located far from University property, email addresses are inconsistent or orders that you cannot verify.

If you need to validate whether or not a purchase order is a legitimate one from UNC, contact Please do not assume an error or ignore it.

UPDATE: In addition, the ePro Team has received reports of Amazon orders being confirmed that were not placed by a department, as well as spam and/or phishing emails from a Supplier. Suppliers should NEVER ask for credit card or personal information. If you receive a questionable email from a Supplier, please report it to IT.

We appreciate your diligence in this matter.

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