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Over the past few weeks, we have acclimated to a new normal. Our schedules may now include caring for family members, working from home, or simply learning how to take things day by day. I recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has driven us to adapt to shifting priorities, some of which are still being discovered.

So, while we don’t know when the current situation will change, the Finance and Budget team is adapting to this new reality by maintaining outstanding support of University operations. We have the staff, technology and planning in place to continue moving forward. As we’ve recently realized, the critical matters of keeping staff, faculty and students safe must be balanced with the important projects already underway and those planned for spring and summer. We will meet these challenges and learn from them. If you have not already, please take a few moments to review the resources — both work related and personal — available to University employees at or reach out to your supervisor. We are in this together!

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