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TO: Business Managers, HR Officers and Secondary Contacts, CU Finance Leads
FROM: Walter Miller, Director of Payroll Services

In light of operational changes as related to COVID-19, Payroll Services will be making a few temporary procedural adjustments which will alleviate the need to come in person to the Payroll office:

  • As a reminder, employees are mandated to sign up for direct deposit. Employees who are on direct deposit should not anticipate any disruptions. Employees who have received a paper check recently have been emailed directly with a reminder to sign up for direct deposit.
  • Because of the widespread adoption of direct deposit, only a small number of paper checks are issued by Payroll Services each pay cycle. Beginning Tuesday March 17, 2020, paper checks will be mailed to the employee’s home address on file. Please encourage employees to review their home address in Connect Carolina Self Service. Payroll Services will review paper checks prior to mailing and reach out to departments if questions arise.
  • Recognition award checks (AWA earnings code) will be paid like longevity as a separate check with the employee’s next on cycle payment instead of being issued via check.
  • For manual check requests, please give more consideration to submitting an exception sheet first so that the amount is added to the next on cycle payment. When manual checks are warranted, the standard option will be to mail the check to the employee’s home address. Alternate delivery options are also being explored.
  • For duplicate W-2 printing, employees should access the electronic version via Self Service and submit a help ticket if they experience issues. Otherwise, please email for assistance.
  • As a reminder, employees should submit direct deposit, W-4, and NC-4 through Self Service. When this is not possible, have the employee mail the form to the address below or fax to 919-962-5077. Payroll Services will follow up with the employee to confirm the validity of the form.

Payroll Services
CB# 1260,
104 Airport Drive, Suite 3600
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1260

When other questions arise, please have your employees first reach out to to see if the matter can be addressed remotely. The email box is constantly monitored.

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