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Carolyn ButlerBusiness Service Coordinator Carolyn Butler is a familiar face to many in Finance and Budget, since she supports six directors. Learn why her voice may also sound familiar.

What is a typical day like in your job?

My typical day is never typical, which is what I like most about my position. I support six directors that help make up Finance and Budget leadership: Scott Dwyer, Beth McAndrew, Walter Miller, Paige Burton, DeAhn Baucom and Travis Henderson; so my day is centered around calendaring and emails, ordering supplies and pre/post travel. I also sit up front in the Controller/Treasury suite at AOB, so I have the front desk responsibilities of answering phones, mail services, parking and general finance customer service for faculty, staff and students. I also work closely with Executive Assistant Nicole Long and together we address any needs the Finance group has at AOB as well as the common areas on the second and third floors.

How long have you been in your current position?

I’ve been a permanent staff member in this position for two years this month, but three years total including my one year of temp time.

How does your job support Carolina’s mission?

I support the leadership of the financial enterprise that enables our faculty, staff and students to concentrate on the mission of reaching the world through teaching, research and public service.

What are some of the major projects you are working on for 2020?

The major project for 2020 is budgeting better and spending less per department. We have moved from telecom to Zoom, which has saved money; and I have started paying more bills by P-card rather than vouchers which saves departments time and is more efficient. I also shop at the Surplus Retail Store to try and keep costs low. Fun projects that I am working on in 2020 are keeping morale high in Finance and Budget through different events hosted by the Activity Committee and the Employee Appreciation Committee.

What do you like most about your work?

The best thing about my work is the people! I truly enjoy everyone that I work with and support. Every day is different, and it lets me learn continuously and grow within Finance and Budget. I also really enjoy supporting people and helping make their day better or easier.

What is something people probably wouldn’t know about you, or another fun item you’d like to share?

Most people have heard my voice on the radio and have no idea that it is even me. I used to work for a radio station in Florida — and they also own stations here — so when they need a particular type of voice for a commercial, they ask me to record it.

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