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Steve Agostini
Steve Agostini, UNC Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Budget

Thanks to those of you who offered suggestions for future column topics. Your input lets me know what is important to you and your work. According to the survey results, you would like to learn more about: our vision for the department over the next several years, accomplishments, updates on key projects/initiatives, and how we can continuously improve operations and our customers’ experience.

A major accomplishment for 2019 was our new budget process. We are beginning to work with campus stakeholders to draft the budget timeline for FY20-21. We will have a better sense of instructions and approaches after we conclude conversations with campus units, which have been very informative and productive.

Another ongoing key project is the hiring of a Treasury Services Director. The position has been posted and is being advertised broadly, and the search committee is composed of internal and external (to Finance and Budget) campus staff. The position is critical to our department’s future initiatives, so we are looking for someone with extensive experience and knowledge regarding treasury services and debt.  We are hoping to conclude the search process soon, so we are able to have someone here in early March.

I look forward to sharing more updates with you in 2020.  Best wishes for happy holidays!

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