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Steve Agostini
Steve Agostini, UNC Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Budget
Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Budget

Sharing information with you through this column each month allows me to pause and reflect on our department’s current major goals, our daily steps toward them and our progress. I’d like to know what you want to hear about in this column. What topics should be explored?  I hope you will offer your suggestions by using this one-question survey.  I will review each response!

On the topic of progress, special thanks to the teams that worked with the independent auditors to complete our foundation, foundation investment fund and real estate holdings audits. The University received an unqualified or “clean” audit opinion from the independent audit team thanks to the efforts of Miranda Brownlow, John Carlson, Dan Chen, Chandrika Rao and Dawei Tang. This type of report is given when an organization’s financial statements are fairly and appropriately presented, without any identified exceptions, and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Great teamwork!

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