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This month, we are tackling another high-priority goal for Finance and Budget – the hiring of a controller and executive director for enterprise financial accounting. The position was posted in April and closed in May. We are now in the applicant review process with the goal of having someone in place in July.  It is a critical senior position which, once filled, will further advance our financial reporting goals.

Also in progress, and on the heels of the successful development of procurement tools, the Operational Excellence team is again working with our procurement team on a finance travel and expense (T&E) initiative, which focuses on travel and expense reimbursement. A cross-campus team began meeting in early May with a focus on reviewing policies and procedures and identifying unclear information within those documents.

I am encouraged by the great strides we are making on these and other projects. Thank you for your dedication.  I see it daily in our large and small successes!

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