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To: Business Managers, Research_Info Listserv, RASG
From: Troy Morse, Director, Purchasing Services

Airgas applied an increase to the price of dry ice for the following four line items effective Oct. 1, 2018.
New pricing is as follows for the following items (with descriptions):

  • CD ICECB3 from .61 cents to .65 cents per lb (DRYICE – SLICED BLOCK SOLD BY LB)
  • CD ICEP from .61 cents to .65 cents per lb (DRYICE – PELLETS – SOLD BY LB)
  • CD ICEPB from .61 cents to .65 cents per lb (DRYICE 50# CARDBOARD BOX)
  • CD ICESB from .61 cents to .65 cents per lb (DRYICE – BLOCKS – SOLD BY LB)

We apologize for the delayed notification on this change.

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