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To: MOU Financial Leads, Business Managers, RASG, Research Information Listserv
From: ConnectCarolina Team

Over the last several months, we’ve been communicating about changes that are coming to the financial reports in InfoPorte this summer.  Beginning Monday, August 13, 2018, all reports in InfoPorte will take their actuals (that is, expenses and revenue) from the General Ledger (GL) Actuals ledger.

There isn’t much you need to do before the changes go into the system, but we do want to make you aware of a couple of action items (or inaction items, for one) before the changes go into the system in August.

ACTION ITEM: If you use the InfoPorte online reconciliation capability, be sure to complete your reconciliations through Fiscal Year 2018 and close it out as necessary.  This needs to be completed before Wednesday, August 8 2018.  Our testing indicates that during the change to source ‘actuals’ from the General Ledger, some of the “Reconciled” checkmarks in InfoPorte may get lost.

What does this mean for you?  Maybe nothing.  If you don’t use the “Reconciled” checkmark, you won’t notice this at all.  The “Reconciled” checkbox is a departmental record keeping tool; it doesn’t drive anything in the system.  If you do use the reconciliation checkbox and you’ve already closed Fiscal Year 2018, you don’t have to worry – the transactions that you’ve reconciled are still going to be there, it’s only the checkmark that may not show.

(IN)ACTION ITEM: Since transactions in InfoPorte may lose their “Reconciled” checkmark during the cutover to the General Ledger, we recommend that you wait to start reconciling July transactions in InfoPorte until after the changes go into the system in August.

What if you need to reconcile on a regular basis? If you’re not able to wait until August to begin reconciling July’s transactions and you use the “Reconciled” checkmark in InfoPorte, you can export the transactions that you’ve reconciled to Excel (which will display the “Reconciled” checkmark) and retag them once the changes go into the system.

In the June issue of the ConnectCarolina Newsletter, we highlighted some benefits you’ll see from this change, including the fact that you’ll see the same actuals as the Office of Sponsored Research.  For more information on those benefits and the changes you’ll see in InfoPorte, visit our webpage:

As always, if you have any questions or need further help, contact the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP or

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