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To: MOU Leads, Business Managers

From: Bernard S. Law, Director of Purchasing Services

Historically, when justifying a sole source or requesting brand-specific purchases, form 708.1.3f Customer Request for a Brand/Vendor-Specific Waiver of Competition needed to be signed by the customer, a purchasing agent and a team lead.  It has been determined that the purchasing agent and team lead signatures are no longer required.  Therefore, to facilitate smoother processing, these signature lines have been removed from the form and are no longer necessary.

In addition, to make this form consistent with its relevant procedure, the title of the form has been updated to “1232.1.1f – Customer Request for a Brand/Vendor-Specific Waiver of Competition,” and is now available on the Procedure 1232.1 – Justifying Sole Source or Brand-Specific Purchases page.

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