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To: DDD, Major Organizational (MOU) Financial Leads, University Business Managers
From: Martha J. Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services

Effective July 1, 2017, the Office of State Budget and Management revised the allowable subsistence per day payments for state employees’ in-state and out-of-state travel. The new rates will be effective for fiscal years 2017-2019.

In processing travel reimbursement forms for trips that begin on or after July 1, 2017, the rates listed below will be used. For trips that began before July 1, 2017, the old rates will apply.

The following list details the new rates of subsistence per day for travel-related expenses:

Rates of Subsistence Per Day
Allowance In-State Out-of-State
Breakfast $8.40 $8.40
Lunch $11.00 $11.00
Dinner $18.90 $21.60
Lodging $71.20 $84.10
Total $109.50 $125.10

If you have any specific questions regarding the new rates, please contact Travel Services at 919-962-0213 or

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