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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support

Bonus, Vacation, and Sick leave hours and balances as of June 30, 2017 in TIM are reported in the University’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Your assistance is requested again to ensure the following leave data for permanent SHRA and EHRA employees is updated in TIM.

Leave Entry Deadline– Leave hours taken by SHRA and EHRA employees that impact the Bonus, Vacation, and Sick balances as of June 30, 2017 must be entered in TIM by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 21, 2017.

If you have employees who have not reported their leave taken, you should follow up with your reminder process now. You may need to move up the June EHRA leave reporting deadline to ensure all leave taken is entered before the July 21 deadline.

If leave hours were taken on a date in the timecard that has been signed off, an historical correction will need to be made and the leave hours taken entered on the date in the past.

  • Historical corrections impact the accrual balance as of the date in the past, so the leave entry deadline is the same for SHRA and EHRA employees, 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 21.
  • Historical Corrections CBT
  • Remember that historical corrections cannot be deleted, so you will need to make sure the correction is accurate before saving the timecard.
  • If the historical correction should impact the employee’s pay check, you will select ‘Yes’ when prompted to Include in Totals. However, if the correction is to update an accrual balance and should not impact an employee’s pay check, you must select ‘No’ when prompted.
  • Please wait until Wednesday, July 12 before entering historical corrections for SHRA biweekly employees. It is better to enter SHRA historical corrections after the biweekly sign off deadline has passed.

EHRA Sign Off Deadline– The deadline for signing off EHRA June timecards has been moved up to align with the leave liability deadline, 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 21, 2017.

Please Note– The new Bonus leave (Bonus 2017 No Payout) has been added in TIM. However, Bonus 2017 leave hours were effective on July 1, 2017 and therefore, do not impact this year’s Leave Liability. Also, this new leave cannot be used on dates prior to July 1. An email about this new leave will be sent to TIM Administrators soon.

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