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To: Major Organizational Unit (MOU) Financial Leads, University Business Managers, RASG
From: ConnectCarolina Team

Do you have trouble reconciling your accounts in InfoPorte because your balances can change daily, even after a month has been closed? Are you frustrated that you have to apply numerous filters to get a report to show the correct information? If so, then we have great news for you! A new set of static snapshot reports for State funds will be available soon. These reports are created right after Accounting Services closes a month and are delivered as PDF and Excel (CSV format) files. All you have to do is go to InfoPorte and find the reports for your department. Whether you look at a report right after a month has been closed or several months later, the report does not change. To learn more about these reports, tune in to our webinar on Friday, December 16 from 10 to 11 a.m.. Please join at least ten minutes prior to the beginning of the session to allow time to download Blackboard Collaborate if necessary.

Join the webinar.

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