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To: MOU Financial Leads, University Business Managers, Research Administrators Support Group (RASG)
From: Chandrika Rao, Associate Controller and Sr. Director of Accounting Services

An enhancement to campus correcting journal entries is scheduled to go live in ConnectCarolina later this month. The enhancement will allow you to correct multiple journal lines instead of one journal line at a time.  Additional benefits of this enhancement include:

  • Improved and increased search capability,
  • Ability to combine voucher, deposit and journal corrections,
  • Increased flexibility in voucher corrections,
  • Ability to copy chartfield strings, and
  • A 256-character journal header description field.

A webinar explaining the changes will take place Wednesday, Dec. 14, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. and will be recorded for later viewing.  The Campus Journals Student Guide will be updated and available on prior to the webinar. Click the link below to join the webinar. Please join at least ten minutes prior to the beginning of the session to allow time to download Blackboard Collaborate if necessary.


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