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To: University Business Managers
From: Matthew Fajack, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Terry Magnuson, Vice Chancellor for Research

On August 1, 2016, Procurement Services published an updated version of Form 1232.1.1f – Customer Request for a Brand/Vendor Specific Waiver of Competition, otherwise more commonly called the sole source justification form.

Although Procurement Services routinely updates their forms, some questions have come up about the changes and we want to address them.

The updates to the form were made by Procurement Services with input from the Conflict of Interest (COI) Program and University Counsel.  The updates, which were made to the form, reflect already existing policies at UNC-Chapel Hill.

In particular, the certifying statement was clarified and renamed as a conflict of interest certification to confirm adherence to the University’s existing policy on Avoiding Vendor Conflicts of Interest.  In the case of contracts and grants, the certifying statement will now need to be signed by the PI for the project.

We appreciate everyone’s diligence in this matter and efforts to maintain the University’s ethics and integrity.

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