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You and ConnectCarolina System Performance

This summer, a big focus of the ConnectCarolina team is improving system performance.  System performance refers to how fast a screen displays, data is returned, or a query or process runs.  You can play a critical role in this effort.

A quick way to provide feedback is via this brief survey that is open today until Aug. 5.  Please take 5 to 10 minutes to complete the survey which asks which parts of ConnectCarolina you use and the experiences you have had with system performance.  The more specific information you can give, the more helpful it will be in resolving the performance issues. We will make good use of this information as we develop a plan to improve system performance.

Read more about this effort.

The survey will close on Aug. 5. Thanks in advance for helping us with this important effort.

(Apologies if you receive this multiple times – just want to make sure everyone has a chance to participate.)

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