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TO: Business Managers
Campus Merchants

FROM: Matthew M. Fajack, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Chris Kielt, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

SUBJECT: Prioritizing Payment Card Safety

We write to share with you a number of critically important University sessions designed to ensure your unit’s compliance with the handling and processing of payment card information at UNC-CH. These efforts are being conducted as part of the CERTIFI committee’s efforts to evaluate processes to minimize risk to our customers’ sensitive financial information and to ensure compliance with payment card industry standards.

CERTIFI and its work is part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s commitment to safeguard sensitive information and is focused on merchant card payment information and processes. The CERTIFI committee governs payment card merchant card activities on campus under the authority of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer.

We have an aggressive schedule to address a number of compliance issues on our campus, and we require your cooperation and support to address these issues in a timely manner.

Upcoming Action Required

Campus merchants will shortly receive communications encompassing a number of activities related to PCI compliance. These events include a number of activities, including town hall-style meetings, in-person and online payment card safety training, participation in self-assessments, reviews of the cardholder data environment, system(s) penetration testing, vulnerability scans, and a review of applicable deadlines campus merchants must meet to continue processing credit cards. Campus merchants who fail to comply with these requirements and deadlines may have their merchant card account processing suspended.

The following are the dates for the planned information sessions:

  • Tuesday, March 1 | Info Session: 2-2:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 3 | Info Session: 9:30-10 a.m.
  • Monday, March 7 | Info Session: 12:30-1 p.m.

All sessions will take place in Toy Lounge in Dey Hall. Attendance for one of the three sessions is required. More sessions may be added to the schedule if necessary.

Additional communications outlining meetings, requirements, and deadlines will be forthcoming from CERTIFI. Thank you for your commitment to protecting the safety of merchant card payment information.

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