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University Mail Services will be adjusting its delivery schedule on the following dates, December 28th, December 29th, and December 30th 2015.

All mail deliveries on these dates will be reduced to one time per day. Morning delivery of mail will be suspended so that holiday volumes can be expedited. Departments with large mailings to be metered should call UMS at 919-962-1139 and a driver will be dispatched to the location during the morning hours.

Departments processing end of year gifts are reminded that the University is closed on December 31, 2015 and mail will not be available.

Any department requesting alternate arrangements for delivery of mail (non-delivery due to closing) please contact Gabriel Cates ( Operations Supervisor, or call 919-843-7018.

University Mail Services would like to thank our customers and extend a happy and safe holiday season from our family to yours.

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