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To: MOU Leads
University Business Managers

From: Mechelle Clayton, IT Manager, Enterprise Applications, ITS
Carly Perin, Exec. Director, F&A Finance and Financial Shared Services

Date: June 15, 2015

Last week, we shared an update on the CBM and Bill Presentation systems and several new updates. As a result of input from CBM/Bill Presentation focus group participants, we have several other CBM improvements to announce:

  • Multi-line edit option
  • Improved data filter

The multi-line edit option allows users to edit multiple lines at the same time, as long as the lines are from the same Billing Unit. This feature can be used to apply the same chartfield string to multiple lines at the same time. Additionally, users can also take advantage of the “Show Filter Row” feature to easily filter each column. This new filter row makes it quicker to filter, and when you make a change to the chartfield string, you no longer lose your filter. More detail about these features can be found on pages 9-13 of the CBM training manual located at

In addition to these enhancements, the team fixed a reported problem related to the Account field. Now, when you tab out of the Account field, the account no longer changes.

For information about CBM and Bill Presentation, please plan to participate in our upcoming Finance User Group meeting scheduled for Friday, June 19, from 11 a.m. to noon in room 103 of the Stone Center. We appreciate your cooperation and continued feedback via focus groups, user group meetings and liaison meetings, and look forward to seeing you on June 19.

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