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To:     GradStar Users, Business Mangers

From: Beverly Wyrick, Graduate School

Date:  April 23, 2015

GradStar transactions entered in spring semester 2015 and corrections for fall 2014 have now been posted to ConnectCarolina Finance. Transactions include non-service, tuition, and fee awards (remission awards post to centrally held funding sources). Any chartfields with combo-edit errors, budget errors, and out-of-bounds errors for grants were either corrected, moved to a suspense account, or overridden.

We are working on a solution going forward to post GradStar expenses in a timely manner. Users can help by ensuring funding sources have sufficient budget and grant dates are valid for the term in which the award is entered.  Further communication about the solution will be communicated to this audience as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience as we work through this process.

All questions should be sent to

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