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To:     MOU Leads
Business Managers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services

Date: April 2, 2015

Effective March 27, campus users have a simpler option for creating a receipt based on a purchase order (PO) number or vendor’s ID.

A new menu path, ePro > Add/Update Receipts by PO, is now available for campus users to create a receipt for goods or services based on a PO number or a vendor’s ID. This allows users to enter receipts themselves for any PO that does not allow receiving by requisition, situations where the PO number is known but not the requisition number, or for “W” or “P” POs that were transferred from FRS to ConnectCarolina.

Users will no longer need to request central office purchasing agents to receive POs, and therefore will not need to continue using

This update to the business process should be beneficial as we prepare for year-end close.  For instructions see Creating a Receipt by Purchase Order that is located on the Resource Documents webpage.

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