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To:     MOU Leads
University Business Managers
ConnectCarolina Finance Stakeholders

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services

Date: Nov. 7, 2014

I am pleased to announce that the backlog in Disbursement Services has been eliminated.  The vouchers are flowing normally and you should see the payment reference or the scheduled payment date on your vouchers.

A few reminders on document processing:

  1. A voucher should pay only one invoice.  A voucher should be created for a credit memo just like you create one for an invoice.  The only difference is that the voucher created for the credit would have minus amounts entered instead of positive amounts.
  2. Comments that you want Disbursement Services staff to see should be entered on the voucher approval page.
  3. The Independent Contractor can now be created as soon as you have an approved Employee/Independent Contractor Determination Checklist.
  4. Foreign vendors require the submission of a paper vendor request form.  They cannot currently be submitted through the Campus Vendor Create page.
  5. If you have issues about Procurement processing, please contact Procurement Support at 919-962-3722.

If you have general concerns, you may contact me directly at or 919-843-5048.

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