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This Finance Division Daily Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff.  Finance will send these daily updates as needed through the go-live and immediate post-go-live periods. Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division.

Top Issues

  • Web Travel: 
    • All approved reimbursement vouchers were transmitted by ACH on Tuesday.
    • Travel Advances are made to students and for foreign travel and they are all made by manual check (express check process in ConnectCarolina).  Travel Reimbursements are made by ACH directly into the traveler’s bank account.  When the PID issue is resolved, all employees and students on payroll that have travel reimbursements will automatically have the banking information updated.  If a student is not also receiving funding from the University (stipends would have banking information) and they have a travel reimbursement, the department will need to provide the ACH information when setting up the vendor.
    • A guide that covers the simplest way to set up basic groups and routes for Web Travel was sent yesterday to MOU Leads and TIPs/Trainers.  It can be found on the Finance Division’s Training page under Travel.
  • Vendor Create:
    • We have discovered a data issue with incorrect TIN numbers from the Student Administration (Campus Solutions) part of ConnectCarolina.  The project team is working on this issue.
    • Procurement Services staff have processed most of the requests that would process.  There are some requests with errors and Procurement Services staff have opened remedy tickets for those.
  • Vendor Invoice Submission Page (VISP):
    • A new quick guide to Using the Vendor Invoice Submission Page (VISP) is now posted on the Training>Resource Documents webpage.
    • A bug fix last night has resolved the problem with VISP timing out when a user leaves the page and comes back within minutes.
    • The allowable file size for documents to be uploaded to VISP is limited, and you may receive an error saying the file is too large.  We are aware of the issue and are working to address it within the week.
  • Budgets:  The Trust, Trust Expense and Trust Revenue budgets reload for July/August 2014 is complete. CHOSR OSR budgets have been loaded for Sept. 2014.  The association rules have been updated also.  This should resolve the missing budgets issue.
  • Chartfields with Hyphens:  These have all been made Inactive.  No special characters are allowed in chartfields.  We will work with the couple of departments that had charges against a chartfield with a hyphen already.
  • P-Card:  A bug fix last night has resolved the data presentation error on the PCard Excel extract file.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer:  The process for EFTs has not changed.  If you have an EFT that you need to check on, please email Deon Hallback in Accounting Services to inquire.
  • CMCS Transfers:  A communication and form outlining business processes  for submitting CMCS transfers to other institutions will be sent this week.
  • Commitment Accounting:    The funding end date notification was emailed to Research Account Managers this morning.  This report lists positions or appointments with funding end dates on sources coming up within the next 30 days.  If the recipient of the report is incorrect, please submit a remedy ticket to the Commitment Accounting team.
  • GL Journals:  Please remember to add information in the Header Long Description section.  This information is very helpful to central office staff when determining what is being processed.

Important Reminders

  • System Availability:  Detailed information about system availability is available at  ePro 9.1 is available 24/7.  ConnectCarolina Finance is available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday – Friday; and from 7 a.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday; with a maintenance outage window Sunday from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Full 24 hour access is expected to be restored in November.

Resources and Documentation

The ConnectCarolina training team is offering a series of mobile labs across campus for users: open-ended, drop-in sessions to ask ConnectCarolina experts anything. Find out more information about when and where the labs are being held.


Functional:  Functional, business process or other general questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.

Technical:  All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern). Your help ticket will be answered by a team dedicated to working on Finance questions and issues. Business Systems Help Desk hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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