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This Finance Division Daily Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff.  Finance will send these daily updates as needed through the go-live and immediate post-go-live periods. Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division.

Current Status

Apple is live and ready for orders in ePro Vendor Catalog!

Top Issues

  • Web Travel:   More bug fixes took place last night.
    • Users were reporting that they could not view the entire chartfield string when approving a request.  A fix allows users to hover their cursor over the chartfield entry to view the entire string.
    • When saving Favorites, the account was being saved as well. Now, the account will be optional when defining Favorites and the account will be validated as part of the chartfield string when it is entered by the user for a specific document.
  • ePro 9.1: Fisher Scientific: Some users reported access to multiple Fisher Vendor catalogs. The issue was corrected last night and all Fisher Scientific Vendor Catalog users should have access to the correct catalog.
  • Missing Vendors:  If a vendor is missing when the user tries to enter a voucher or update campus vendor, please take the following steps:
    • Look up the vendor in inquiry.
      • If the vendor exists, open a Remedy ticket and supply vendor ID and PID (if employee or student).
      • If the vendor doesn’t exist, it was not converted.   Submitting a Remedy ticket is not needed.  The user needs to create a new “add vendor” request through the Campus Vendor functionality.

        Note that if a vendor is missing and the user is trying to complete a transaction related to travel or a travel reimbursement, they must enter a remedy ticket with the PID of the vendor for which the travel transaction is being completed.

  • Trust and Trust Revenue Budgets: The project team is going to unpost all budget activity and then reload.  This will resolve the missing budgets issue.  This should be completed by the end of this week.

Important Reminders

  • Ticket Tips:  Please include as much information as possible in your Web Submit ticket, including document numbers, screen shots and any specifics about your problem.
  • System Availability:  Detailed information about system availability is available at  ePro 9.1 is available 24/7.  ConnectCarolina Finance is available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday – Friday; and from 7 a.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday; with a maintenance outage window Sunday from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Full 24 hour access is expected to be restored in November.

Resources and Documentation

The ConnectCarolina training team is offering a series of mobile labs across campus for users: open-ended, drop-in sessions to ask ConnectCarolina experts anything. Find out more information about when and where the labs are being held.


Functional:  Functional, business process or other general questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.

Technical:  All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern). Your help ticket will be answered by a team dedicated to working on Finance questions and issues. Business Systems Help Desk hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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