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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
Date: October 2, 2014
Subject: TIM and ConnectCarolina Updates

You will find information below about when ConnectCarolina data will be imported into TIM, how to lookup TIM Administrator access to the new 6-digit department numbers, and reasons why an employee may not appear in your list in TIM.

Please note the following action item listed below – Please ask all employees with secondary positions who worked in Biweekly 07 (9/22 – 10/5) and have not processed a transfer to their secondary positions in Biweekly 07, to process a transfer in TIM by Friday, Oct. 3.

Import of ConnectCarolina Data into TIM

Successfully completed entries that have been fully approved/processed in ConnectCarolina, will be reflected in TIM in 24-48 hours.

If data is not reflected correctly in TIM (department, reports to, position, FTE, etc.) you must review and update that information in ConnectCarolina. Employee and department data reflected in TIM is imported directly from ConnectCarolina. The only exceptions are TeleTime and TIM Administrator access. Please note that manual updates to data in TIM cannot be made. Successful changes made in ConnectCarolina will be automatically imported into TIM in 24-48 hours.

Please contact your HR Officer, School/Division HR Department, or UBC with questions about the new ConnectCarolina data you see reflected in TIM or issues you need to report. TIM Support will not be able to assist you with editing ConnectCarolina data.

TIM Administrator Lookup

With the implementation of ConnectCarolina, department numbers were changed from a 4-digit number to a new 6-digit number. The TIM Administrator online lookup tool has been updated to reflect the new 6 digit department numbers. A link to the tool is located on the TIM Administrator webpage,

  • To lookup a TIM Administrator by name- type in the first and/or last name in the lookup tool, click enter, and it will return a list of the 6-digit department numbers that the TIM Administrator has/had access to in TIM. It also includes the corresponding 4-digit department number only for reference. TIM Administrators no longer have access to the retired 4-digit department numbers in TIM.
  • To lookup the new 6-digit department number- type in the 6-digit department number, click enter, and it will return a list of the TIM Administrators who have access to that department number in TIM.

If you need to add or remove TIM Administrator access to a department, a TIM Administrator Access Request Form must be submitted, All TIM Administrator request forms must include the primary 6-digit department number(s).

PLEASE NOTE- there are some Schools and Divisions that have secondary 6 digit department numbers that roll up to a primary 6-digit department number. At this time, you will NOT be able to search for or see listed any secondary departments in this lookup tool. TIM Administrators with access to the primary 6-digit department number automatically have access to all secondary departments in TIM.

Missing Employees

Reasons why you may not be able to see an employee in TIM:

  • Employee Mapped to a Different 6 Digit Department- The employee was mapped in ConnectCarolina to a 6-digit department that you do not have access to in TIM.
    • If the employee should be assigned to a different department number, this must be corrected in ConnectCarolina. You will need to contact your School/Division HR Department for assistance or if the issue is technical, contact the ConnectCarolina help desk.
    • If you need access to a new department, a TIM Administrator Access Request Form will need to be submitted, All TIM Administrator request forms must include the primary 6-digit department number(s).
  • Employee has a Secondary Position – Employees in secondary positions that have not transferred to that position in Biweekly 07 (9/22 – 10/5) will not appear in your list in TIM until a new transfer has been made. Please ask all employees with secondary positions who worked in Biweekly 07 and have not processed a transfer to their secondary positions in Biweekly 07, to process a transfer in TIM by Friday, Oct. 3.
  • TIM Administrator Department Numbers Changed – With the implementation of ConnectCarolina, department numbers were changed from a 4-digit number to a new 6-digit number. You will now see in TIM only those employees assigned to your 6 digit department number(s). If you need a report run for a previously terminated employee, email the employee’s name and PID, the date range needed, and if an accrual or time detail report is needed to
  • EPA Employee Base Department – There is not a “check” department in ConnectCarolina, so EPA employees appear in their base departments. If there are EPA employees that are in a different “base” department, you may want to discuss with your school or division’s HR department how those employees will be handled going forward.
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