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To:     Business Managers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services

Date:  September 10, 2014

As part of the transition to ConnectCarolina, the Information Technology Purchasing System (ITP) which resides in Finance Central will be retired on Sept. 16, 2014, at 5 p.m.

After Sept. 16 you will not be able to place any software orders through ITS Software Acquisition as we transition from ITP to ePro.  Beginning Oct. 1, 2014, software ordered via ITS Software Acquisition will be done through the ePro Vendor Catalog. We are asking that you plan ahead and have your software orders placed and approved by the end of business on Sept. 12, 2014. If you have an emergency that is critical for operations during the 14-day transition, please contact Greg Neville, Manager of ITS Software Acquisition, via email: .

Additional Information:

Following the Oct. 1, 2014, go-live of ConnectCarolina, ordering software will be done through ConnectCarolina Self-Service using the ePro application. ITS Software Acquisition will be a vendor in ePro, which will allow all faculty and staff the ability to place an order for software. Users will to go, login with Onyen and password, and select Self Service to find the ePro application.  All software orders will require a valid chartfield string and all orders will have to go through an approval process through your business unit.

IMPORTANT: Software purchasing by faculty and staff in the ConnectCarolina system is subject to your school/unit’s policies, so please check with your business office.

Additional information will be provided over the coming weeks, including a Computer-Based Training (CBT) demonstrating how faculty and staff will use ConnectCarolina to request software. ( )

Thank you for your understanding and support during this important transition period

Note: This memo is also being sent to ITEC, FITEC, CTC, OASIS and ITS.

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