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To: University Business Managers

From: Candace Clark, Director of Gift Services, Office of University Development

Date: January 23, 2014

The Office of University Development provides a nightly file to Accounting Services which transfers revenue transactions made through fundraising efforts to departmental accounts for use as directed by the donor.  Currently, an object code is assigned to the transaction based upon the type of constituent (i.e, alumni, foundation, friend, etc.).

This is to notify you that as we prepare for the transition to PeopleSoft, we will move to one object code for all charitable contributions.  Object code G4211 will be used for this purpose and defined as “Gifts-Charitable Contribution”.  If a department needs to determine the constituent type for any gift, that information can be obtained through DAVIE, the alumni/development system, at

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to email me directly at

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