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To: University Business Managers
From: Emily Coble, Cash Manager, Finance Division

Graduate students that will be graduating at the end of Fall Semester 2013 in December must be removed from the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP) effective Dec. 31, 2013. To do this, go to the “Graduate Student Health Insurance Enrollment and Change Form” in the Payroll Menu in FRS. Place a “G” in the “Delete Code” field and “12/31/13” in the “Removed” field.

The students who graduate in December are covered by the graduate insurance until Dec. 31, 2013. These changes must be done *NO LATER THAN Monday, Jan. 6, 2014*. Once a student has graduated, they are no longer eligible for the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program. Hill, Chesson, & Woody will notify each student by letter informing him/her of this and will give him/her the opportunity to extend the insurance coverage from his/her personal funds.

Please contact Deon Hallback at 919-962-7793 or if you have any questions.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

cc: Human Resource Officers

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