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To: Deans, Directors, Department Heads, Campus Business and Financial Managers
From: Stan Waddell, AVC, Infrastructure and Operations and CTO, ITS
Date: March 13, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

ITS Communication Technology core services charges have not “followed” retroactive salary source changes.  Therefore, when a unit retroactively changes the salary source to a different account, the core services charges have remained on the original account.

ITS has been working to analyze and correct this.  Our aim is to ensure core data services charges move to the appropriate account when the salary source changes.  We realize that it is of utmost importance that this be corrected well in advance of fiscal year-end processing.  We do apologize that this has yet to be satisfactorily resolved.

We are anticipating resolution of this via a programmatic solution by March 22.

In the meantime, we ask that departments NOT initiate journal entries to move the core data charges based on retro funding source changes.

Below, you will find information on:

  • The background of this problem
  • Action items, including what you should do now
  • When we expect this to be resolved

Again, we apologize for this problem.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me (

Thank you.


ITS Communication Technology core services charges have not moved to the correct accounts after retroactive salary source changes.  As such, when a unit retroactively changes the salary source to a different account, the core services charges have remained on the original account.  While this was done to prevent shifting charges onto Contracts & Grants sources, it orphaned a number of charges that require correction.

We are working with our colleagues in the Office of Sponsored Research, Accounting Services, Information Technology Services, and Payroll Services, both to correct the orphaned charges, and also to prevent the issue moving forward.

Our goal is to ensure core data services charges move with the salary source change

  • For changes effective after 1/1/2013, a move from a non-Contracts & Grants source onto a Contracts & Grants source, and vice versa, will simply move the charges.
  • For changes effective between 7/1/2012 and 12/31/2012, our intent is to ensure a change from a Contracts & Grants source onto a non-Contracts & Grants source will calculate and apply the correct core data services charge; and a change from a non-Contracts & Grants source will remove and refund the core data services charge.

Action Items

  • Departments should NOT initiate journal entries  for correction of the core data portion of the retro funding source changes (please do NOT make any adjustments to the transaction) and instead should wait for ITS to make this change
  • ITS has created a report of historical actions that is being tested
  • ITS will create the FRS file this week and Accounting Services will test

Projected Timeframe

Barring unforeseen issues with the testing, we expect to complete this change no later than March 22.

Best Regards,

Stan Waddell
Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Infrastructure and Operations and CTO
ITS Manning
211 Manning Dr
Chapel Hill NC 27599

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