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To: University Business Managers
From: Bernard Law, Director, Purchasing Services
Date: October 18, 2012

Please join us for the University’s first Minority- and Women-Owned Business Showcase from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Oct. 31 in the Great Hall at the Carolina Union. Purchasing Services will host the event, which is open to University staff.

A variety of minority- and women-owned businesses will participate. The event will highlight the capabilities of these historically underutilized businesses (HUB) and give staff a chance to become familiar with their services and products.

If you purchase services or supplies for your school or department, this event is for you. More than 98 percent of the participating businesses are locally owned and operated and sell services and supplies such as furniture, IT consulting, web design, scientific supplies and equipment, office supplies, pharmaceutical supplies and moving services.

Refreshments and door prizes will be available.

Please help us spread the word by printing and posting this linked flyer. For more information, contact Director of Purchasing Services Bernard Law at

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