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To: University Business Managers

From: Dwayne Pinkney, Vice Provost, Finance and Academic Planning
Matt Brody, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Kevin Seitz, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance
Jerri Bland, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enterprise Applications

Date: June 20, 2012

Implementing PeopleSoft will change how departmental systems such as InfoPorte, MIS and ITWorks access data from our enterprise systems. If your department uses a system that accesses data from the HR or Finance Data Warehouses or the legacy FRS, HRIS, EPAWeb or other enterprise systems, please read the Departmental Systems 101 document. This document distills the key points from a Decision Document that was recently approved by the ConnectCarolina Project Sponsors covering this critical area.

The Departmental Systems 101 document:

  • introduces the principles that will guide interactions between PeopleSoft, its accompanying reporting tools, and departmental systems.
  • gives suggestions for what you can do to stay abreast of changes so your systems make a smooth transition to PeopleSoft.

Since departmental systems are a key component of your processes, it’s important to be aware of all changes that affect your systems and to start planning for how you will address them so your systems work the first day after go-live.

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