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To: All Finance and Administration Division Employees
Deans, Directors, and Department Heads
Business Managers

From: Karol Kain Gray
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Date: June 11, 2012

When I came to Carolina several months ago, I began a review of the Finance and Administration Division to become more familiar with the division’s operations and to ensure that the organizational structure meets the University’s complex needs. While this will be an ongoing process to provide continuous improvement, I have decided to move forward with several organizational changes now.

After more than two decades skillfully leading a vital component of Finance and Administration, and four decades at the University, Carolyn Elfland, associate vice chancellor for Campus Services, has decided to retire in June 2013. Carolyn’s vast knowledge and proficiency in managing such a large, complex division are invaluable, and finding one person who could take over the post as it is currently structured is unrealistic. To accommodate this significant upcoming change, it is essential that we take a fresh look at the entire organizational structure and determine the best way to manage the large portfolio of services that traditionally have reported to Carolyn.

In addition, we have had several vacant leadership positions within our Facilities Services operation within the past year, including the executive director position and the director of Housekeeping Services position. I am pleased that Darius Dixon joined the division in April as Housekeeping Services director. I do not plan to replace Van Dobson, former executive director of Facilities Services. Instead, as of July 1, I will consolidate our Facilities Services and Facilities Planning and Construction Division into a unified Facilities Services Division under the leadership of Associate Vice Chancellor Bruce Runberg. Given the close relationship between these units, consolidating them into one division makes good business sense.

Facilities Services Division

Anna Wu, who currently is University Architect, will manage this consolidated set of facilities functions under the guidance of Bruce Runberg. Anna will be promoted to assistant vice chancellor for facilities operations, planning and design, and will oversee the following departments: Facilities Planning; Design & Construction Services; Building Services; Grounds Services; Energy Management; and Housekeeping Services. Engineering Information Services, Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) and Construction Management will continue to report directly to Bruce. Bruce and I look forward to working with Anna in her new capacity and using her experience and expertise to help create a more efficient, streamlined organization.

I want to thank Ray DuBose for leading Facilities Services on an interim basis during this time of transition. He will continue in this role until July 1, when the new consolidated department structure becomes effective, and his knowledge will be instrumental as we make this next transition.

Administration and Auxiliary Services

I will soon conduct an internal search for the new position of associate vice chancellor for administration. This person will serve as my principal deputy in the Office of the Vice Chancellor and oversee Auxiliary Services, including the current operations as well as Student Stores, Trademark Licensing and University Mail Services. This position also will manage various shared internal business functions that will evolve over time to serve all units within the Finance and Administration Division. These functions will consolidate and address division-level needs in human resources, communications and planning, and information technology. Until this new post is filled, those units will continue to report to Carolyn Elfland.

Safety, Security and Sustainability

During the next year, Carolyn will continue to manage Public Safety; Motor Pool; Environment, Health and Safety; Energy Services; Waste Reduction and Recycling; Sustainability; the Horace Williams Airport; and the Carolina Inn. I anticipate that most of these functions will report to a new associate vice chancellor when Carolyn retires, and I will make that final decision in the coming months.

I am very grateful to Carolyn for giving Finance and Administration a full year in which to make this transition. I am confident these changes will improve the efficiency of the Finance and Administration Division and have a positive long-term impact on the University as a whole. Managers will communicate directly with employees in the affected units to keep them informed, and I will issue further updates as other changes take effect.

Here is the new alignment of the current affected services:

Bruce Runberg: Engineering Information Services; Historically Underutilized Businesses; Construction Management; Capital Program Budgeting; and Carolina North.

Anna Wu: Design & Construction; Building Services; Grounds Services; Housekeeping Services; Facilities Planning; and Energy Management.

AUXILIARY SERVICES (led by Carolyn Elfland until new associate vice chancellor is hired):
Auxiliary Services (Carolina Dining, Carolina Copy, UNC One Card, Laundry Services and Armored Car); Student Stores; Trademark Licensing; and University Mail Services.

Public Safety (including Transportation & Parking); Motor Pool; Environment, Health and Safety; Energy Services; Waste Reduction and Recycling; Sustainability; the Horace Williams Airport; and the Carolina Inn.

cc: Chancellor Holden Thorp
Faculty Chair Jan Boxill
Employee Forum Chair Jackie Overton

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