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More Vendors Automatically Fill in Description and Category Item catalogs are now available for the following six vendors. That means when you’re entering an SOP for one of these vendors, you’ll be able to type the vendor’s item ID, and ePro will fill in the item’s description, unit of measure, and category code:

Vendor Number Vendor Name
V000132756 Asylum Research
V000000259 Beckman Coulter
V000000305 Bio-Tek Instruments
V000190375 Butler Schein
V000155552 Eppendorf
V000137051 Illumina
V000088788 LI-COR Inc
V000108167 Leica Microsystems
V000139707 Open Biosystems
V000002779 Waters Corp.

All non-PO invoice payments to these vendors must be made through the ePro Small Order Process. Please see the linked PDF for a complete list of vendors with item catalogs loaded in ePro.

Internet Explorer 9 Interferes with Viewstar System

UNC’s Viewstar system does not currently support Internet Explorer 9. If you upgrade to this version, you will no longer be able to view images in eProcurement. If you have already upgraded, please contact your local IT staff to uninstall Internet Explorer 9.

If you have problems with or questions about ePro, contact the Help Desk by calling 962-HELP or by creating a help request from the UNC website. In the Type of Help Needed field, choose CONNECTCAROLINA_ePROCUREMENT so that your request is routed correctly.

To view a variety of training options and materials, visit the ePro training page.

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