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To: Business Managers Listserv

From: Emily Coble, Cash Manager

Date: September 12, 2011

Graduate Student Health Insurance enrollment will continue through Wednesday, September 28, 2011 with an 8/15/11 effective date.

Please make sure that all eligible students are enrolled by this date. To print a departmental list of students, please see page 11 of the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program Manual located on the Finance website Training Page, under Insurance.

If it is determined the students were not enrolled, please make sure when entering the information to press enter and then the F1 key to “Save/Write” the data.

If you are the home department and are trying to enter a student, but cannot access them due to restricted dept access, please email the PID and name of the student to Tin Lay Nwe at

If you have any questions, please contact Tin Lay Nwe (919-843-8965, or Emily Coble (919-962-1601,

A memo has been sent to HR Facilitators Listserv.

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