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To:      University Business Managers

From:   Emily Coble, Cash Manager

Date:   August 1, 2011

The Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP) has been updated and is open today, August 1, 2011, for 2011-2012 enrollment. The entry screen (FRS – PRIQ UNC CH Payroll – screen 43) has been updated. Please refer to the new training manual available on the Finance Training website under the Insurance section. Please refer to the GSHIP policy and procedures (Policy 1112) located in the Finance Division Policies and Procedures Manual, and the July 19, 2011, memo located in the Finance News Archives for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact Tin Lay Nwe at 919-843-8965, or myself at 919-962-1601,

A memo has been sent to Human Resource Facilitators.

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