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To: University Business Managers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services
Kevin Seitz, ConnectCarolina Financial Stakeholders Committee ChairDate: January 28, 2011

On Monday, Jan. 31, the ePro Small Order Process (SOP) component goes live. This marks the second campus-wide go-live in the phased implementation of eProcurement (ePro). Information sessions, training and reference materials are being offered to help prepare purchasers and purchase approvers to use this new tool.

ePro Vendor Catalogs and SOP components allow purchasers to pay invoices and receive goods that meet these criteria:

  • Under $5,000
  • For supplies and services (object codes 2XXX and 35XX), and
  • From vendors (that is, not from individuals)

The Small Order Process brings a significant benefit to the University and your department – approximately $10-15 million. It also requires frontline users to enter more data (they enter each item on the invoice, not just a total invoice dollar amount).

We need your support in recognizing the importance of the extra data entry and acknowledging the staff that perform these tasks. This additional work is essential to obtain the projected savings of this project. Keep in mind that for most users, the Small Order Process is only a small part of the job. As additional vendor catalogs are added, the need for SOP documents will decrease.

Vendor Catalogs Update

Starting Feb. 20, Staples and four other catalogs will be available only through ePro. Please encourage your staff to ensure that they have access to ePro before Feb. 20 by going to and signing on with their Onyen and password.

Why eProcurement?

ePro was identified by Bain consultants as major cost saver. Savings occur in two ways:

  1. Immediately, each time new catalogs are added to ePro.
  2. Once data is collected (from line item entry) and analyzed, and the University is able to negotiate lower prices. More details about purchases equals more negotiating power with vendors equals better prices for your department.

To view the updates sent this week to SOP and Vendor Catalog users, or for general ePro information, visit the ePro page on the ConnectCarolina website.

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