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To: eProcurement Small Order Process Users, University Business Managers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services

Date: January 21, 2011

The go-live date for the eProcurement (ePro) Small Order Process has been postponed to Monday, January 31. The Small Order Process is the part of ePro that you use to pay invoices that meet these criteria:

  • Under $5,000
  • For supplies and repairs (object codes 2XXX and 35XX), and
  • From vendors (that is, not from individuals)

Training Available

Have you taken a training session? If not, sign up for a hands-on training session. If you’re currently using the ePro vendor catalogs in ePro, look for a class with the word “Advanced” in the title. If you haven’t used ePro before, look for “Beginner” in the class title.

Starting next week, you’ll also be able to take computer-based training modules on the Small Order Process (we’ll let you know when the modules are available). Remember also that the ePro page of the ConnectCarolina website is your best source for the latest information on ePro, including the reasons ePro is being implemented.

Notes and Reminders

  • Access to ePro: If you had access to pay invoices through the Check Request System or InDEPTh, you will automatically be given access to the ePro Small Order Process. If not, complete and submit the Consolidated Financial Systems Access Request form (available on the Finance website under the Forms tab in the “Most Used Forms” section). Choose the eProcurement option under Finance Central Applications section, and chose either the Creator or Approver option.
  • Check Request System and InDEPTh Continue as Usual During the Transition: To allow time for you to attend training, you will be able to continue paying invoices through the Check Request System or InDEPTh for at least a month past the January 31 go-live date (the exact cut-off date is to be determined).

At that point, you will still be able to make personal reimbursements, pay stipends, and so on through the Check Request system or InDEPTh, but you will need to pay vendor invoices for supplies and services (object codes 2XXX and 35XX) through ePro.

  • Approvals: All Small Order Process documents require approval. If your department uses approvals for vendor catalog orders, your approvals for SOP documents will be set up the same way. If your department does not use approvals for vendor catalog orders, then your approvals will be set up similarly to those set up in the Check Request System or InDEPTh.

If you find a problem with how your approvals are set up, ask your Business Manager to send an email message to Ned Norland ( Include your department number and the person (or persons) who need to approve your department’s orders.

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