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To:      eProcurement Purchasers and Order Approvers

From:   Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services

Date:   December 22, 2010

Beginning January 24, 2011, the eProcurement (ePro) Small Order Process will be ready for you to start paying invoices.

The Small Order Process is the second part of ePro to be available to campus.  The first half of ePro, Vendor Catalog, has been live since November 22.

ePro is used for two purposes:

  1. Purchasing from online catalogs like Staples, Fisher Scientific, etc.: Vendor Catalog
  2. Paying invoices: Small Order Process

The Small Order Process is the part of ePro that lets you request payment for invoices, similar to the Check Request System and InDEPTH.  You will continue to use the Check Request system or InDEPTH for personal reimbursements (object codes other than 2xxx and 35xx), and you’ll use the ePro Small Order Process for purchases of supplies and repairs (object codes 2xxx and 35xx),orders from a vendor (no personal reimbursements),and purchases where the total order does not exceed $5,000.

Training Options Available</h2

A variety of training options and materials are available to help you get ready:

  • Demo and Information Sessions:  Starting January 5, 2011, we’ll be holding auditorium-style information sessions, where you can see a demonstration of the Small Order Process system and ask questions.  These are not training sessions; registration is not necessary.  Sessions currently scheduled are:
    • Jan. 5,   10:30 to 11:30    Bondurant Hall G100
    • Jan. 11, 10:30 to 11:30    Hitchcock Multipurpose Room, Sonja Haynes Stone Center
    • Jan. 13, 10:30 to 11:30    Hitchcock Multipurpose Room, Sonja Haynes Stone Center
  • Hands-on training:   Sign up for a training session held in several locations across campus beginning January 10th.  Email if sessions are full, and we will add additional sessions.
  • Self-paced training:  Brief web-based training sessions provide the same content as the hands-on training, but in a compressed format. Sessions will be available from this website starting January 12th.
  • User guides:  All ePro (Vendor Catalogs and Small Order Process) user guides are now available online.

The eProcurement page on the ConnectCarolina website contains information about ePro training, reference materials, frequently asked questions, past communications, and more.

In the meantime, if you have questions about eProcurement, send them to

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