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May 17, 2010

From:  Roger Patterson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance

To friends and colleagues –

I’m writing to announce that I have taken a position as Vice President for Business and Finance at Washington State University (WSU) in Pullman, Washington. My last day at Carolina is June 30.

My time at Carolina has been absolutely wonderful since the first day back in November 1994. It has truly been an honor and privilege to work with such a great group of people — those who are here, those who have retired and those who have moved on to other job opportunities.

Chapel Hill has become “our hometown.” Our two daughters spent most of their lives here, met their sweethearts in this area, graduated from college (UNC & WFU), and both daughters have plans to stay in the area and start a new generation of “tarheels born and bred,” beginning with our 10 month old grandchild, Evelyn, leading the way.

While I will always have Carolina in my mind, I have a burning desire to do more. One of my personal characteristics is to never stop learning as a person. That’s why I enjoy working in higher education so much – knowing I am supporting the faculty that develop and challenge the minds of our future generations. So while a part of me is saddened by leaving all my friends, colleagues and family, I am also extremely excited about the new opportunities that await me at WSU.

Thanks for all that you have done to support me, Faith, Renee’, Beth and Evie. We look forward to our continued bonds.


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