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To:      Business Managers

From:   Roger Patterson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance

Date:   March 9, 2010

The purpose of this email is to notify you of a change in the title of the individual responsible for processing requests for access to our financial systems. As many of you know, Rosa Nolen has been referred to as the “FRS Coordinator”.  This title is an old term that is now outdated and in reality a misnomer because Rosa processes requests for financial systems other than FRS too (e.g. budget transfer systems, finance data-warehouse, finance web-focus, check request system, p-card system, etc).  Effective immediately, please begin referring to Rosa’s position as the Financial Systems Access Coordinator or FSA Coordinator for short. With the implementation of the new financial systems in the next few years the term “FRS” would have to be dropped anyway.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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