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To:  Business Managers
Finance Division Employees

From:  McGregor Bell, Director, Budget Office

Date: March 7, 2008

The Budget Office is pleased to announce the following staff changes:

Henry Price will assume the role of Academic Affairs Budget Officer beginning Monday, March 10th.  Henry has four years of experience in the Budget Office working with EPA Position Control, and he can be reached at and 919-962-5765.

While recruitment is underway for Henry’s former position, Bob Howard, MBA, CPA, will fill in on Academic Affairs EPA Position Control.  Bob has extensive budget experience which he gained while working at Duke.  Bob can be reached at and 962-5761.
Beginning Monday, March 17th, Kimberly Johnson, MBA, CPA, will join the staff as Budget Analyst.  Kimberly has experience in both budgeting and financial analysis having worked at Duke University Health System and American Airlines.  She will be responsible for special reporting, F&A, auxiliary trust funds, and the blue book among others.  She will be reachable at 919-962-5762.

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