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Updated Mobile Device Stipend Policy and Procedure

March 14, 2019

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill permits departments who require an employee to carry a mobile device to perform job duties to provide that employee with a Mobile Device Stipend (formerly Mobile Communication Device Stipend).

Policy Update: 1302 Maximum Rates for Travel

January 9, 2019

Policy on Statutory Provisions and Maximum Rates for Travel has been updated to reflect the 2019 OSBM mileage rate to 58 cents per mile from 54.5 cents per mile. Per diem and lodging rates did not change from 2018.

Form Requirements for All New and Updated Campus Vendors

September 10, 2018

Starting immediately, the University requires all new campus vendors to complete appropriate business forms to conduct business with Carolina. This change also applies to vendor modification requests such as address updates.

Update to Employee Moving Expense Reimbursement Policy and Procedure

June 25, 2018

Based on legislation changes in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the University is making required changes to its moving expense reimbursements policy and procedure, effective July 1, 2018. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act no longer allows employers to provide moving expense reimbursements tax free, and no longer allows employees to deduct moving expenses.

New home for Finance policies, procedures and forms

March 29, 2018

The Office of Ethics Education and Policy Management (OEEPM), is launching a new policy management system today, March 29 (details in the email below). As a follow up, we want to clarify that this transition also includes all documents within the Finance Policies and Procedures Manual website,, including glossary items, forms, and related documents.

Policy Update: 1252 and Procedure Update: 1252.3

March 15, 2018

Policy 1252 was updated to further clarify that while services from a vendor may be purchased on the P-Card, they are not allowed from a Sole Proprietor (Or, “Doing Business As” vendor, as this person should be paid via Independent Contractor, as detailed in Policy 708, Independent Contractor. Procedure 1252.3 had language revised to emphasize that the person who reconciled P-Card should follow both P-Card usage guidelines as well as State budget rules.

Policy Update: 1112.2 Enrolling in GSHIP

February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018: Added the specific medical insurance account number 515540 to clarify appropriate account number to use when applying for graduate student students.

Policy Update: 1218.1 Determining Vendor Documentation

February 8, 2018

February 8, 2018: Changes to vendor bank accounts should now be reported to Disbursement Services through campus vendor. Changes to vendor direct deposit bank accounts need to be confirmed by the department requesting the update, with a known contact at the vendor. Direct Deposit authorization form was also added.