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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From: Jen Clark, Director, Accounts Payable and Vendor Services and Rebecca Spanos, Director, Travel and Payment Card Services

Dear Campus Colleagues,

Please be aware that Accounts Payable and Vendor Services, as well as Travel and Payment Card Services, will be wrapping up in-office hours early the week of Nov. 25, with all staff working remotely on Wednesday, Nov. 27.

Please alert your staff that if anyone needs to pick up a P-Card, T&E Card or check, they must do so by noon on Tuesday, Nov. 26.

To ensure vouchers are paid in our final pay cycle of November, they will need to be fully approved by end of the day on Wednesday, Nov. 20. To ensure Concur expense reports are paid in the final pay cycle, they will need to be fully approved by end of day on Friday, Nov. 22.

We wish everyone a happy holiday season!

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