To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From: Gordon Merklein, Associate Vice Chancellor for Real Estate and Campus Enterprises; Carly Perin, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance
The 2023-2028 Transportation and Parking Five-Year Plan, approved by the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees on May 15, 2024, includes an increase in the departmental transportation fee. Effective immediately, the fee will rise from $3,000 to $3,379 per million in payroll (0.3379%). No further changes are planned for the remainder of the plan, effective from FY24-25 through FY28-29. The previous fee increase occurred during FY15-16, when it rose from 0.278% to 0.300%.
The Transportation and Parking Five-Year Plan was developed in partnership with the Advisory Committee on Transportation and Parking, the Executive Sponsors Group and a consultant team. This recurring fee supports vital transportation services for the campus community, including fare-free boarding for Chapel Hill Transit, regional transit and Point-to-Point service.
The transportation fee will continue to be charged against all salaries and wages and expensed under account 521110. The recurring charge will be posted to your departmental chartfield sources each pay period and with each PAAT transaction.
Questions about the departmental transportation fee should be directed to Wil Steen, associate director of parking and strategy for Transportation and Parking, at