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TO: University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads
FROM: Jennifer Sofo, eProcurement Administrator

The BuyCarolina (Coupa) system has a planned maintenance release scheduled for Friday, Feb. 3, 2023. After the release, you’ll notice some changes to the look of the system. Note: There is no outage associated with the release.

Improved Announcements

A streamlined Announcement section ensures you stay informed on updates, events and more.

  • You will now find the Announcements on the top left section of the landing page versus across the top as a carousel.
  • Unread announcements are highlighted as “New” and continually appear on the homepage until you open them. Once opened, the announcement is marked as read. The next unread announcement will be highlighted when you reopen the homepage.
    Announcements section showing new messages
  • The display changes to a simpler view once you have read all announcements. You can revisit previously read announcements by clicking the Announcement section again.
    Announcement section showing three previously read messages

Additional Changes You May Notice

OpenBuy Search: You may now search multiple suppliers when available. Click the magnifying glass next to Supplier for the option to Search All Suppliers.

Supplier search screenshot with arrow to magnifying glass

Write a Request: UNC-Chapel Hill is not set up to use this feature. Do not submit any requests using this option, it will not be submitted for further support.

Write a request feature

Helpful Reminders and Tips

On the BuyCarolina homepage, you’ll find the following options to help guide your shopping experience:

  • Supplier Spotlight: important information from suppliers that buyers should be aware of.
  • Additional Support Needs: information if you need additional help with your orders such as order status or canceling items.
  • Alerts: information on known technical issues and workarounds if available.

The ePro team recommends bookmarking FAQs and Helpful Information:

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