To: Buy Carolina Users, University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads
From: Procurement Services
A new Mandatory State Term Contract was implemented with ARC3 and Airgas in March 2022 and subsequent changes to the state pricing were submitted in July. There have been significant increases in the cost of products, including a sharp rise in the price of liquid Nitrogen, cylinder rentals (Airgas) and additional surcharges to ease inflationary pressures associated with production and delivery of these products. These increases have already been incorporated into the punchout catalogs of the two compressed gas vendors and have likely been noted on recent invoices.
In addition, we have been notified of additional Airgas price increases which will be effective Sept. 15, 2022. For an updated pricing list, visit Airgas Prices Effective Sept. 15, 2022. If you have questions specific to pricing, please contact Ben Martin at Airgas.
For additional questions, please contact the Purchasing Team at