To: Recent Concur Users; Personal Delegates; Campus Unit Finance Leads; Business Managers Listserv
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager
Good afternoon!
As activity in Concur increases, Travel Services has been receiving questions regarding the use of Daily Allowance/Travel Allowance vs. the North Carolina In-State and Out-of-State per diems for meal reimbursement.
When creating a new Expense Report, travelers are presented with the following options on the Expense Report Header:
If the trip is supported by Federal Funds, the traveler may select “Yes” and the next step in the Report creation process will be to create their Travel Allowance expenses (i.e. the Federal meal per diems). Travel Allowance rates are populated directly from the GSA or Department of State databases based on the dates and locations of travel. More information on creating Travel Allowance expenses begins on page 102 of the Concur Step-by-Step Guide.
If the traveler will not be using the Federal meal per diem rates for reimbursement, they should select “No” on the Report Header. They will then add the appropriate In-State or Out-of-State meal per diem expenses to their Expense Report. More information on creating these expenses begins on page 100 of the Concur Step-by-Step Guide.
Please share this information within your area so that it reaches all travelers and those who will be assisting travelers.
Thank you,
Rebecca Spanos